Privacy policy

How are we handling your data?

What do we want to use the data for?

We just want to learn how far our work reaches and to measure what we are doing well and what we can get better at. We want to see if we are missing any constituency and stakeholder group, and whether we need to do targeted campaigns to ensure more can access our information. The information collected (except for the mailing list info) is generic and we will not be able to identify individuals using that data even if we tried. We will never sell your information.

Signing up to our mailing list

Please note that UN DESA is managing the mailing list. Any information you submit to the sign up form will be stored with the United Nations. In the form, you have the option to opt-in or opt-out of having your information shared on the United Nations’s website. This means that anyone visiting their website, including decision-makers, can see this information if you opt-in to have your information shared. Please note that as of yet we have not seen this information being posted on UN’s website. In addition, that means that the coordination mechanism of MGoS does not have full control of who is on our mailing list, and therefore we advise you to not share any sensitive information on the mailing list. UN DESA is based in the US, meaning GDPR rules apply differently. United Nations’ privacy disclaimer usually looks like this: “If the User provides unique identifying information, such as name, address and other information on forms stored on this Site, such information will be used only for statistical purposes and will not be published for general access. The United Nations, however, assumes no responsibility for the security of this information.”

We are using Google Analytics

We are using a website analytics tracker to better measure our impact – and map our gaps in reach. In this link you can learn more about the type of data that Google collects. Google Analytics does not track IP addresses, but it does track age and gender. There are browser extensions you can use to block Google Analytics tracking your data. You can also visit the website in “incognito mode”, you can learn here how to go incognito.

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